43” vertical gaming cabinet offers strength and security

Add a touch of class to your amusement game machine collection with the 43” vertical gaming cabinet. This modern cabinet from 8 Line Supply features the sturdy protection of a metal exterior, delivering the strength it needs to withstand the physical demands of your players for years to come.

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The ICT TAO bill acceptor delivers accuracy and security

The easier you can make it for your guests to play the amusement games in which you have devoted significant resources, the more likely those games will generate a positive return on investment. The ICT TAO bill acceptor is your solution to paper currency challenges pertaining to games.

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Phantom 32” touchscreen LCD monitor now available separately

The Phantom 32” touchscreen LCD monitor, featuring the same high-quality LCD that has been such a hit as part of the Vertical Screen Trimline Gaming Machine and Vertical Screen Metal Gaming Machine, is now available through 8 Line Supply as a separate entertainment asset for your game cabinets.

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Jenka Lab games stand out with another new release

Jenka Lab games rank among the elite within the amusement game industry on the strength of their quality and momentum-building excitement surrounding new releases. Coming on the heels of its recent Northern Light World Famous announcement, the upcoming Aurora World Famous soon will become a favorite for fans of Jenka Lab games.

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Northern Light World Famous lights up your gaming machines

Jenka Lab is giving your vertical gaming machine a shot of energy with Northern Light World Famous. Featuring five new games never previously released, Northern Light World Famous delivers an exciting gaming experience that will keep your guests glued to your machine for hours of fun.

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