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High-Quality Custom Medals Require Expert Craftsmanship

Medalcraft Mint is an Industry Leader in Metal Striking

Medalcraft Mint custom medalsCustom medals have become one of the more highly requested items in the commemorative industry, making the expertise of Medalcraft Mint’s craftsmen a differentiating factor when choosing a high-quality supplier. Medalcraft Mint, a leader in the metal striking industry, works with customers to create the ideal custom medal and coin packaging for any occasion.

Organizations ranging from educational institutions and other non-profits to major corporations are viewing custom medals as an investment in their image as much as an attractive gift.

“Our customers tell us that custom medals help them demonstrate a commitment to excellence that exceeds anything possible with a generic purchase,” said Jerry Moran, owner and chief executive officer of Medalcraft Mint. “We take pride in assisting customers to develop just the right look for their specific occasion.”

Die Striking Process Produces Superior Custom Medals

Medalcraft Mint, based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, has won more awards for superior metal striking over the past three decades than any company in the industry. The company’s die-striking expertise features the talents of highly skilled craftsmen, who hand-sculpt or engrave customer-approved designs into a steel die block.

The die-striking process involves pressing material into a die cavity, which makes an exact impression of the crafted image. Medalcraft Mint uses die striking in the custom medal production process because it creates superior images and an overall better product than cast pieces.

Their ability to create exceptional custom medals has resulted in Medalcraft Mint being chosen to mint the official inauguration medals for numerous U.S. presidents as well as items for the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics and the 2014 Sochi Winter Games.

A Reputation for Quality

Medalcraft Mint has been a Wisconsin-based company since its founding in 1948. The company produces a wide selection of challenge coins, badges, recognition awards for employees and other commemoratives in its 32,000-square-foot facility in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

For more information about Medalcraft Mint’s products or to request a quote, go to or call 800-558-6348.

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