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Military challenge coins provide a lasting symbol of teamwork

Medalcraft Mint military challenge coinsMedalcraft Mint produces custom military challenge coins in the USA

Military challenge coins rank among the select few items that servicemen and women acquire during their time in the armed forces that represents their commitment to the country and unit. Custom-designed military challenge coins from Medalcraft Mint are a popular commemorative that reinforces their dedication.

Medalcraft Mint designs and produces challenge coins right here in the USA with American craftsmen based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The company’s primary production facility serves as home base for every step in the production process, providing greater control over scheduling and shortening delivery times compared to foreign producers.

“Our team takes pride in producing military challenge coins for units around the world,” says Jerry Moran, owner and chief executive officer at Medalcraft Mint. “It is an honor to deliver American-made challenge coins to our men and women in uniform.”

Die-striking process makes military challenge coins special

Medalcraft Mint uses a high-quality process known as die striking to produce a wide range of commemoratives including college graduation medals and corporate challenge coins. These coins provide tangible reinforcement of the dedication and teamwork necessary for success.

The die-striking process involves pressing metal into a die cavity created by Medalcraft Mint’s craftsmen. These precision dies are unique to each challenge coin order. Heat treatments harden the die and strengthen it for the die-striking process to come.

“Die striking allows us to use higher-quality materials and create consistently superior images than casting processes typically produce,” Moran says. “Our military challenge coins can include brass, bronze, copper, nickel-silver and other precious metals. They are designed to be lifetime commemoratives that often become treasured keepsakes through multiple generations.”

Medalcraft Mint has a reputation for quality craftsmanship

Medalcraft Mint has been a Wisconsin-based company since its founding in 1948. The company produces a wide selection of challenge coins, badges, recognition awards, ceremonial maces and other commemoratives in its 40,000-square-foot facility in Green Ba, Wisconsin. For more information about Medalcraft Mint’s products or to request a quote, please go to or call 800-558-6348.

View original article on military challenge coins here.