Northern Light World Famous lights up your gaming machines

Jenka Lab is giving your vertical gaming machine a shot of energy with Northern Light World Famous. Featuring five new games never previously released, Northern Light World Famous delivers an exciting gaming experience that will keep your guests glued to your machine for hours of fun.

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Know the difference between a DOT/non-DOT drug test

Businesses depend on accessible and dependable service when it comes to completing DOT/non-DOT drug test requirements. Understanding the differences between a DOT/non-DOT drug test and providing the services to cover both is a primary benefit of working with Wisconsin Drug Testing Consortium (WDTC).

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Add a home UV filter to enhance the quality of your home’s air

A home UV filter is becoming an increasingly popular addition to residential heating and cooling systems because of its ability to filter bacteria and viruses from the air. While a home UV filter will not eliminate all impurities, it is another tool in the effort toward healthy living.

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Our opportunity: Do justice to the woman behind the man

The saying goes that behind every successful man is a strong woman, and that certainly is the case with University of Pennsylvania icons Ralph and Elaine Brinster. Medalcraft Mint had the honor of creating the Elaine Redding Brinster Prize in Science or Medicine custom medallion.

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Fusion Link combines the best games from Fusion 1 through Fusion 5

Imagine taking the best games from the popular Diamond Skill Games Fusion 1 through 5 game boards and turning them into a standalone product. That’s precisely what Banilla Games has done in creating Fusion Link, a collection of the company’s best games now available through 8 Line Supply.

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