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Plan ahead for the best home theater installation experience

Pulse Audio Video home theater installationAvoid frustrating delays by allowing time for your equipment to arrive

Home theater installation is one of the more exciting investments you can make to enhance the enjoyment factor of living in your home. Preparing for this transformation is easier when you work with an expert to plan equipment purchases and schedule your home theater installation.

Supply chain inconsistencies play a role in home theater installation projects like virtually everything else, which makes advance planning that much more helpful. Pulse Audio Video owner Tim Nass recommends his customers allow about a month, to be on the safe side, between placing their equipment orders and completing the installation.

“If you want to have your home theater installation complete in time for the football season, for example, the sooner you can get your order in this summer, the better,” Tim says. “Once we have your equipment in hand, I can complete most new home theater installations in a day depending on the size of the project. Retrofitting equipment to existing home theaters may take a little longer.”

New technology optimizes your home theater installation

It may take a little longer to receive equipment these days, but the enhanced experience created by today’s home theater technology makes it worth the wait. Pulse meets with its customers for an initial consultation that takes into account the size of your room, who will be using the systems, what type of content you will be watching, and approximate budget.

One of the most exciting aspects of home theater installation involves advancements in sound technology, particularly with the Dolby Atmos system. The quality of this surround-sound technology is so crystal clear that it makes you feel like you’re in the video. This cranks up the awesome level for music and entertainment such as action movies and sporting events, and it supports streaming platforms including Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max, and Netflix.

Laser projectors are another favorite of home theater installation customers on the strength of their superior picture quality and equipment longevity. Contact Pulse about these and other audio/visual technologies that would be appropriate for your home theater installation.

About Pulse Audio Video

Pulse Audio Video features the design and installation expertise of owner Tim Nass, serving building contractors as well as residential and commercial customers throughout northeast Wisconsin. Call Pulse at (920) 413-9300 to discuss your project or visit

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