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Why there are fewer LEED-certified construction projects today

green construction companiesRise of green construction companies

There was a time when green building practices were an uncommon component of commercial construction projects, and when sustainability and environmental impact were not a primary concern of builders and company owners. Over the years that mindset of green construction companies and Smet Construction Services, Inc. has changed dramatically.

Thanks mainly to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), the most widely recognized building rating system in the world, the standards for green construction companies have become commonplace for building projects.

LEED grew out of the establishment of the U.S. Green Building Council, established in 1993. In 2000, LEED officially began recognizing construction projects noteworthy for exceptional environmental and health performance.

“Adhering to good building practices every day means that our standard projects are already green,” says Scott Smet, owner and CEO of Smet Construction in Green Bay. “It used to be that many of the initiatives promoted by LEED were just too costly for many companies to justify. Now, many of those certification requirements have become inherent components of construction technology and design.”

Common practices of green construction companies

  • Waste Management – Debris from renovation, excavation and leftover construction materials are recycled or disposed of in a manner to minimize waste and environmental impact.
  • Environmental Testing – Soils and existing materials are tested to determine any levels of toxic presence and are removed and disposed of in accordance with state and federal laws.
  • Stormwater Management – Properties are designed to minimize the amount of runoff water entering municipal systems and to support the vitality of green spaces and landscape design.
  • Energy Efficiency –Heating and cooling systems and insulation systems are designed to provide maximized energy efficiency and to reduce the consumption of fuel and electricity. Equipment and fixtures take advantage of new technologies like LED lightsto save energy and provide long-life performance.
  • Low-Emitting Materials – Materials like carpet, paint and adhesives are selected to reduce the amount of unhealthy off-gassing for trade worker and employee well-being.
  • Natural Light – Proper design and building orientation allows healthy natural light permeation for a brighter and healthier work environment.
  • Recycled Content – Utilizing construction materials manufactured from postconsumer and postindustrial use greatly diminishes the amount of waste entering landfills.

Green construction companies and good building practices are good business for everyone. Talk to Smet Construction today to learn how we can promote green building for your next construction project.

About Smet Construction Services, Inc.

Smet Construction Services, Inc. is a third-generation building contractor specializing in adapting the design-build and construction management project delivery methods. They work to form a unique partnership with their customers in designing and building their industrial, commercial or specialized construction projects.

For more information, contact a member of our business development team at (920) 532-3828 or visit

Mark Schumacher at (920) 660-5016 [email protected]
Greg Runnoe at (920) 619-1129 [email protected]

View original article on green construction companies here.